authentic AF
this podcast is an eternal journey of understanding. an embrace of authenticity. a dance of yin and yang. a rediscovering of myself.
my mind is curious and i have an electric zest for wanting to learn more about the world and our existence in it. i'm obsessed with understanding why we are the way we are, and how that influences our lives. i want to explore everything that alights my soul, no matter how different. i’m passionate about spirituality, existential questions, and the journey we are all on. i love to talk about things people don’t talk about. i want to chat with old friends, strangers, and myself. i want to learn how someone thinks and why. i seek to question, understand, and expand the beliefs of myself, others, and humanity at large.
i’m curious, compassionate, and vulnerable. i crave an exchange of energy, a connection of souls. we are all uniquely different and yet, one. this is me exploring that. let’s dive deep!
authentic AF
29 | robyn couch (the dance of life, self-reflection, emotion, and art)
*TAY FAV* in this episode, robyn and i dive deep into what it's like to exist as an introspective human. how our experiences and inner thoughts influence how we go through the world, what we believe, and how we behave. i love talking with others who love to look inward, feel deeply, accept imperfections, and work consistently at growing and bettering ourselves, and this conversation checks all the boxes. robyn is vulnerable and real, and in being so, we were able to connect on so many levels. if you're creative, sensitive, and introspective, i think you'll find this episode relatable and inspiring.
SPOILERS: under the bridge
- PLEASE consider sharing or donating to robyn's movie, ultraviolet catastrophe, if it feels right for you:
- find robyn on instagram: @robynlynncouch
key topics:
- robyn’s big 2 - who and how
- spiritual mediums as tools of self discovery
- empathy vs sympathy, emotional vs sensitive
- our journeys in pursuing art
- mental judgments and how we talk to ourselves
- owning who we are without qualifiers
- a deeper look at our judgments and envy
- robyn’s film! ultraviolet catastrophe
- taking control of our own lives / releasing victim mindset
- the voices / words in our head
- manipulation, and holding multiple truths at once
- the journey is eternal - we are healing
- AA and safe spaces
- reframing how we view others’ art
- artist’s way - julia cameron
- kati morton
- under the bridge
find me:
- website: *coming soon*
- patreon: authentic AF
- instagram: @authenticaf_pod, @tayrey.k
- tiktok: @tayrey.k