authentic AF

6 | jared rayment (barriers and insights to pursuing art as a career)

taylor kilpatrick Season 1 Episode 6

this episode will hit home with artists and creators on all stages of their journey. today i sit down with a good friend, and fellow artist, jared rayment. ever consider pursuing art full time? jared shares his perspective and story about his pursuit of making it as an actor and creator in LA. he is open and honest, and answers some tough questions. i hope his honesty will inspire you to ask yourself tough questions, and give honest, sometimes equally tough answers. as jared says, we are all creations, and as well, born creators. and of course i tie in some human design. in this episode we dive into:

• identifying / confidence in saying ‘i’m an actor’

• the root and WHY of wanting to act

• expressing and embodying emotions

• feeling comfortable voicing opinions

• self doubt and blocks standing in his way

• moving from judgments to acceptance

• changing the negative narrative in our heads

• embracing our inner child energy and remembering to play

• changing the negative narrative in our heads

• what the process of applying for roles entails for him

• jared’s short film diary farm and our relationship w the creative process

• finding balance in pursuing dreams but not making it your whole identity

• being kinder with how we speak to ourselves

• being honest about how we’re showing up for our goals


human design

the artists way - by julia cameron

find jared:

- instagram: @jmrayment

- twitter: @jmrayment | @queuethebanter

- letterboxd

- youtube: @jaredrayment7758

- podcast: queue the banter

find me:

- website: *coming soon*
- patreon: authentic AF
- instagram: @authenticaf_pod, @tayrey.k
- tiktok: @tayrey.k